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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Westcliff High School for Girls

In Year Admissions

Application for admission during Years 7 - 11

Those parents who wish their child to be considered for entry should complete and return an In-Year Application Form, this can be downloaded and either scanned or posted back to the school.  No more than one application can be made in any one academic year.  

On receipt, applicants will be written to within 15 school days to confirm we have recieved the completed form.  

Applicants for the same year group will sit a series of tests at the school.  

For In-Years 7 & 8 these tests will be in English, Mathematics and Science. 

For In Years 9, 10 & 11 these tests will be in English, Mathematics, Science and either French or Spanish. 

Please note there are no specimen papers available.

In-year applications for places in these years will be tested if and when a place becomes available. Where an in-year vacancy occurs, because of a student leaving roll at Westcliff High School for Girls, applicants on the waiting list for that particular year will be invited to sit tests set by the school. The tests will not aim to replicate the 11+ but will seek to establish whether the applicant can sustain the pace of the school’s classroom education and fit within the ability levels and parameters of achievement of the relevant year group. Places will be offered to the applicants with the highest scores deemed capable of meeting the aforementioned criteria.

There is a right to appeal.

The application to join the school does not roll over from one academic year to the next - parents must complete an in-year application form afresh for each academic year they wish their child to be considered.  

Please send completed application to 

Mrs J Mansfield, Admissions Officer
Westcliff High School for Girls
Kenilworth Gardens

In Year Application Form 2023/24

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