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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Westcliff High School for Girls



Extra Curricular Activities 


The Extra-Curricular offer at WHSG aims to provide all students with the opportunities to participate in clubs, events, trips and competitions to enrich their school experience, develop character and explore new interests.

 We are forever thankful to all the staff and students who run any of the elements of our extra-curricular provision, as it simply couldn’t happen without them.

 The different strands of extra-curricular provision at WHSG are:

  • Extra Curricular Clubs and Societies – many of which are student lead – for a list of all clubs and societies on offer for each year group, please click on the links below.
  • Trips – day trips, residentials and overseas
  • Competitions – in school, local and national competitions, including sports fixtures
  • Events – Experience Day (in the Summer Term), Culture Day, Black History Month, Charity Week and Jack Petchey Speak out to name but a few
  • Careers Provision – Assemblies, Work Experiences, Careers Fairs and Careers Interviews
  • Student Roles of Responsibility


Year 7 Extra Curricular Timetable 2024-25

Year 8 Extra Curricular Timetable 2024-25

Year 9 Extra Curricular Timetable 2024-25

Year 10 Extra Curricular Timetable 2024-25

Year 11 Extra Curricular Timetable 2024-25

Years 12-13 Extra Curricular Timetable 2024-25

How does the extra-curricular offer link to our school values?


Many of our clubs offer experiences that will develop students’ leadership skills, such as public speaking through the oracy and debate clubs, our annual poetry competition and Jack Petchey Speak Out challenge. Many of our lunch time clubs are in fact run by students, including Gospel Choir, Women in History Club and many of our Societies.

All Year 9 students will learn Outdoor Education and the majority go on to complete the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, which leads older students to take on further leadership awards, such as Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards in Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 respectively. A passion for Science and Leadership sees some of our Year 12 students take on the STEM Young Leaders award.

There are many roles of responsibility that students can take on at WHSG, all of which can have a large impact on school life through student voice. Student roles of responsibility include:

  • Form Captain/Vice Captain
  • School Council Rep
  • School Journalist
  • EDIWP Rep
  • Green Group Rep
  • Prefect (Year 10, 12)
  • House Official (House Captain, Deputy, Music Captain, Sports Captain)
  • Senior Team (Head Girl/Boy, Deputies, Assistants)
  • Subject Mentor 


Of course, the extra-curricular offer at WHSG is all about enrichment! Students taking part in clubs, societies, trips, competitions and roles of responsibility are enriching their school experience, whether it be through learning a new skill, taking up a new hobby, meeting new people or going to new places. We encourage students to push themselves out of their comfort zones, try something new and make the most of what is on offer.

There are also trips and events on offer to develop students’ character such as developing collaboration and resilience on both the Year 7 Team Building event and Year 12 It’s a Knockout. There is also the opportunity for students to visit the theatre and galleries as well as countries overseas, including Language trips to France and Spain, the Ski Trip and through World Challenge expeditions.

Students are able to learn a musical instrument through booking lessons with the peripatetic teachers via the Music Department as well as advancing their performing arts skills through the LAMDA programme.

Our careers programme aims to provide information and inspiration about the different avenues into careers and to open students’ eyes to careers they may never have even considered before. Whilst many of our students go on to study at university, students will also be informed about alternatives, including degree level apprenticeships and other routes into further or higher education, training and the world of work. Students can attend regular careers talks as well as careers fairs, work experience and careers interviews during their time at WHSG so that they are well informed to make decisions about their future. 


Students will have the opportunity to attend a number of trips over their 7 year journey at WHSG that will support the curriculum and embed what they have learnt in lessons.

Students can flex their academic know how, public speaking skills or ability to work as part of a team through representing WHSG at local and national competitions when participating in events such as sporting fixtures, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics Challenges and Olympiads and Jack Petchey Speak Out competitions, to name but a few.

A love of reading is encouraged through our summer reading lists and library events, including an annual visit from a famous author.

A love of learning will see students engage in academics beyond the curriculum. We encourage students to explore topics of interest outside of the classroom with a well-stocked library and advice from individual departments. Students in Year 12 or 13 can opt to complete an Extended Project Qualification – a fantastic opportunity for students to delve deeper into a topic of interest and present their findings to others.


Students that take part in any of the extra-curricular activities on offer will benefit from meeting new people and feeling part of the school community. Students often say that taking part in the House competitions, for example, makes them feel part of Westcliff.

The extra-curricular clubs and societies allow students the opportunity to find and develop a potential interest, hobby or sport, which will not only help with their wellbeing in school but will also provide them with something to continue to embed in their lives going forward to give them the tools to have a healthy work-life balance in the future.

There are many opportunities for our students to give back to our school community and help fellow students, for example taking on a mentoring role for younger students, leading a club or society and encouraging students to take part in House events through roles in the House teams. Our prefects have a crucial role in being welcoming to visitors, for example on Open Evenings and the day of the 11+ examinations.

With such a broad extra-curricular offer, there should be something for everyone!

If we’re missing something, we welcome students to share their ideas via their School Council Reps so we can make our extra-curricular offer the best it can be for our students.


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