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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Westcliff High School for Girls

Gatsby Benchmark and the Career Development Institute Framework

The CDI Framework

The CDI Framework is to support schools with the delivery of careers, employability and enterprise education.  By focusing on the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, the framework helps to ensure that young people are prepared and empowered to face the challenges of the future world of work.  For more information click here.

The Gatsby Benchmarks 

The Gatsby Benchmarks are the result of an international study to find the best practice in career guidance worldwide.  The CEIAG Programme is based on the eight Benchmarks.  For more information click here.

Career Team

All staff at Westcliff High School for Girls play a significant part in preparing our students for the future and we also have a dedicated Careers Team.  

Mr M Barnes - Head of Social Sciences and Personal Development Education 

Mr J MacNamara - Careers Lead 

Mr J Fraser - 2nd in Careers

Careers in the Curriculum

At Westcliff High School for Girls, all staff are committed to brining their subject to life for our students.  This enables them to develop a greater understanding of how the skills and knowledge they develop in lessons can lead to different career pathways.  Some of the ways we do this are by:

  • Inviting speakers into school to support lessons. 
  • Promoting employability skills during lessons such as teamwork, communication and leadership. 
  • Discussing careers in lessons so that students understand how their subjects lead to different careers.  
  • Setting work related tasks to broaden students' understanding of how their lessons link to the world of work. 


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