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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Westcliff High School for Girls

Who to Contact

During your child's time with us at WHSG we know that there may be occasions when parents have some concerns that they may wish to raise with the school.

We are always willing to hear about any issues and will always do our best to resolve them.

Please contact your child's Pastoral Manager for any wellbeing queries and their Head of Year for any other concerns.  All emails should be sent to generalenquiries@whsg.info and will be forwarded on.  


SENDCo Mrs Wilkin

 Year 6 & 7

Pastoral Manager: Mrs Holmes

Primary Liaison: Mrs Clifford

Year 7: Miss Birch 

Year 8 & 9

Pastoral Manager: Mrs Whitehair

Year 8: Miss Richardson

Year 9: Miss Richardson and Mrs Etienne

Year 10 & 11

Pastoral Manager: Mrs Joscelyne

Year 10: Mrs Frost

Year 11: Mrs Vinten

Sixth Form

Assistant Headteacher - Acting Head of Sixth Form: Mr Vinten

Assistant Head of Sixth Form: Miss Leonard

Pastoral Manager: Miss Davis

Pastoral Manager: Mrs Glover


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